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Twitters latest Milestones!

Twitters latest Milestones!
The big guys at Twitter have started using their own social networking platform to share the latest milestones that have been met by the microblogging site.

The promotional team at Twitter has unleashed a whole barrage of tweets that exclusively detail some of the company’s biggest accomplishments during the first quarter of 2011.

Some of the most interesting, and impressive news shared includes:

  • The first quarter of 2011 seems to be very big with more than a 41% increase in the number of Tweets per day globally, and a 38% increase in the number of Tweets per day in the US alone.

  • From December to March, there was a noticeable 52% increase in the number of account signups, with a 57% increase in the US alone.

  • Mobile growth on Twitter was huge. A 50% increase in monthly mobile signups was observed.

  • The first quarterly increase in the number of Twitter users per month include: 104% Android, 55% iPhone, 72% iPad and 51% Blackberry.

  • Twitter is now clocking the number of tweets per day at 155 million, which is up from 55 million at this same time last year.

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